Saturday, 31 January 2015

Cook - Lemon drizzle cake

It's not really lemon drizzle cake, it's 'Lemon-syrup loaf cake' from How to be a domestic goddess , but we always forget to call it that.

I take a more slapdash approach than Nigella and bung everything in the bowl together, mix fiercely and bake - seems to work out ok most of the time. I made this because a lovely friend came round for a cup of tea and a chat and it always feels welcoming to offer freshly baked cake.

Too much glare and the odd shadow in this photo.  I think I need to work on styling my photos - not much in my life is 'styled' but it might help a bit here. 

Craft - Workplace crochet

Sometimes the only way to fit in a bit of crafting is to work in a less than ideal setting. I've been bringing my crochet blanket to work and doing the odd 20 minutes here and there in lunch and tea breaks (I think crocheting at my desk might be a step too far). The blanket - inspired by Attic24's Granny Stripe - is for my eldest, to take to university in September, so I'm trying not to work on it in her presence - these snatched crochet moments mean it's now about three quarters done. I have a worrying feeling that the last quarter will prove to be the most challenging though, as I work out how to join it all together.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Run - Craft - Read - Cook

Hello there.

I run, craft, read, cook - what the blog title says. I enjoy reading other blogs to get those little sparks of inspiration that send me down a new path, so I've decided to have a go myself.  Don't expect massive posts full of beautifully-shot photos - I think my style will be more an iPhone snap and a few lines. We'll see how it goes ...

This is a bit of a cheat - it's from last week (ie pre-blog) but it does show the route of a 12 mile run I did in Cornwall. Beautiful place, fantastic run.