Saturday, 16 May 2015

Read - The goldfinch (#9/52)

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt was another book club book,  but I would have read it anyway as I loved Donna Tartt's first novel (The Secret History).  Luckily book club didn't meet in April (our usual date fell in the Easter holidays) as this book really needed more than a month to read.

It's long, complex, full of twists and unexpected turns of plot - I absolutely loved it! It's so cleverly written in the voice of Theo, who is 13 at the start of the events recounted in the novel, 27 at the end, and tells the story of what happens to him after he is involved in an explosion at a museum. I don't really want to say much more about the plot than that as it was great reading it and being truly surprised and intrigued by all the different elements of the plot.  The characters are brilliantly written and I felt real affection for several of them - we spent a long time at book group discussing who would play each role if it was made into a film (and it would be a great film - or tv series)  - we all had very strong opinions, as the characters had become very real to us all!

It's not without its flaws - I felt there were some slips in historical accuracy when Theo's teenage years were being narrated,  and a few sections could have done with stricter editing.  But overall it's a fabulous book to read - a worthy winner of the Pulitzer prize and wholeheartedly recommended by me.


  1. I'm 80% through The Goldfinch and I agree, it's a great book. Despite it's size Donna has kept my interest throughout, it has just taken me so long to read as I'm short on reading time at the moment, oo better get off the iPad then! Thanks for not revealing the end.
    Caz xx

    1. Ooh have you finished yet? I hope you enjoyed the ending - I thought it was brilliant!

  2. I actually have this tucked away and want to read it; you're the second one to recommend it to me this week, and I loved Secret History, so this might be the next read!

    1. Yes - do read it! I keep meaning to go back and re-read The Secret History but there are always so many other books to read..


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