Thursday, 5 February 2015

Craft - a bit of progress

It's late and I haven't really planned what to write about today.  I haven't run as it's a (well earned) rest day. I've barely cooked (only to the point of shoving a few things on a tray, sticking them in the oven then dishing up 20 minutes later) and I haven't read (yet - hopefully I will get a chance to shortly). I have spent rather a lot of time sorting out different electronic devices to try and keep everyone happy.  And I discovered that I have made some progress on my 'other' blanket.

This is my current portable project - it can be done in small chunks by the side of a pool or in a car when waiting for an activity to finish. I laid it out for the first time in ages and found that I've now made over half the squares.  It feels a lot more achievable now - hurrah!

(I do know that the photo is dark and the colours wrong - I need to make an effort to take more photographs in natural light).

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